Bee Free Honee is exactly what it sounds like, bee free honey! Bee Free Honee is made from APPLES, unlike traditional honey which is made from bees. It is great for Vegans, small children with no fear of Botulism, those who are allergic to traditional honey and those who are looking for a new flavor.
It can be used as a substitute for traditional honey, in BBQ sauces, hot and cold beverages, vinaigrette, granola, cakes, breads and basically anything else you would use traditional honey for. You can even use it as an "apple syrup" and pour it on your pancakes, waffles, french toast or even use it on your oatmeal, yogurt or toast.

We received a 12 oz. bottle of Bee Free Honee to review. I LOVE honey on chicken, biscuits, cornbread, etc. Instead of just putting a little Bee Free Honee on a piece of toast, I wanted to really use it and experiment with it. So, I made cornbread with it to see how it was to cook with it, use it as a glaze and if the taste changes at all.
I will admit... I did "cheat", I used a box mix I've had for a while. I followed the directions for the batter and once that was all mixed I added some Bee Free Honee. I didn't measure, just squeezed it into my mixing bowl until I felt it looked like enough. From the "weight" of the Honee it did sink into the batter a bit so there is more then there appears to be in the above photo. I then stirred in the Honee.
Poured the batter into a baking dish, I really wish I had a muffin pan! Baked it as directed.
After my cornbread was done baking I quickly rubbed a stick of butter over the entire thing and then spread a layer of Honee on top.
Our delicious dinner of rice, pork chops and yummy cornbread.
Look at that beautiful Honee glaze!!
The kids loved the cornbread.
Ms. Jada wanted me to take a picture of her taking a bite of her cornbread. Please excuse their messy room, they were busy playing.
The taste of Bee Free Honee is great, I never imagined honee made from apples could taste like, well, honey! But, it sure does.
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Enter to win a bottle of Bee Free Honee!
Open to US
Ends 10/16
Good luck!
Disclaimer: I was provided a sample of the above product in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated in any other way and all opinions, are my own.
Bee Free Honee is made in Minnesota and using strictly US apples. The bottles and caps are from Stillwater, MN, the boxes from Golden Valley, MN, and the printing is done in Minneapolis. I strive to keep things local and as green as possible.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
That story is pretty cool. Does it taste like honey or apples?? Or both I wonder?
ReplyDeleteIt tastes just like traditional honey as stated towards the end of the review! :)
DeleteI learned young children can safely eat honey.When mine were little that was a no no.
ReplyDeleteRight, young children still should not eat traditional honey made by bees, but they can safely eat Bee Free Honee as it is made from apples!
DeleteI learned that RAES foods strives to keep their products local and green
ReplyDeleteI learned that bee free honey is created using apples, and was created out of an attempt to create a less-sweet version of apple jelly that came out differently than expected
ReplyDeleteMargie Kairis
I like this recipe
ReplyDeleteBrazilian Honee Cake
This sounds interesting! Something I would like to try