
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Gourmet Barbecue Recipes

Gourmet Barbecue Recipes
With the summer sun causing a sizzle, it can only mean one thing - time to bring out the barbecue.  But if the bog-standard bangers and burgers leave you feeling a little uninspired, then take heart, there are plenty of gourmet barbecue recipes worth trying out.  Here are a few to whet your appetite.

Chicken marinated in spicy yogurt
For this delectable recipe you'll need, about eight pieces of chicken, juice of a lemon and garam masala.
For the marinade take 100g plain yogurt, a clove of garlic and 2 teaspoons of curry powder.  Put the chicken into a large dish and rub the lemon juice over it.  Combine the marinade ingredients together.  Add this to the chicken and rub it in. Leave in the fridge for a few hours. Shake the marinade off the chicken and cook each piece on the barbecue, turning regularly. Once cooked, sprinkle with the garam masala.

Grilled sweet potatoes with feta, lemon and mint
A great vegetarian recipe, which both meat-eaters and veggies alike with savour.  You'll need a couple of sweet potatoes, 5oz crumbled feta cheese, zest of a lemon, a handful of mint, lemon wedges, 4 tablespoons of olive oil.  Chop the sweet potatoes into thin slices.  Coat them in olive oil.  Arrange the slices on the barbecue and cook until tender.  Place the slices on a plate and sprinkle the feta over them, as well as the lemon zest and mint.  Trickle a bit of olive oil and serve with lemon wedges squeezed over.

Spicy pistachio prawns
One for fish lovers, prawns are a great accompaniment at any barbecue, allowing the juicy flavours to come through.  You'll need 1kg of raw prawns, a couple of tablespoons of toasted pistachios, a chopped green chilli, a teaspoon each of coriander seeds, ground turmeric and grated ginger, 60ml of coconut milk and coriander leaves.  Put the pistachio, chilli, coriander, turmeric, ginger and coconut into a blender and process until smooth.  Add the prawns and mix the paste into them.  Cook prawns on barbecue until pink, brushing with the paste whilst cooking.  Serve with coriander.

Pork and apple kebabs
This recipe is delicious served with couscous.  You'll need half a cup of apricot jam, 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon each of olive oil and tomato paste, 1 red onion cut into slices, 1 green apple cut into cubes, half a red pepper cut into cubes and 4 pork legs cut into cubes.  In a dish, add together the jam, vinegar, oil and tomato paste.  Add the pork and coat in the mixture.  Leave to soak for at least half an hour.  Pre-soak some skewers and thread pork, apple, pepper and onion to each one.  Grill on barbecue and brush lightly with oil, serve with the couscous.

Grilled pineapple with sweetened mascarpone
Sweet food works really well on the barbecue and the gentle grilling can bring the sweetness to the fore.  For this recipe, you'll require about 8 slices of fresh pineapple, 1 tablespoon of chopped hazelnuts, 1 lemon - juiced and zested, 2 x 250g tubs of mascarpone cheese and 3 tablespoons of honey.  Heat the hazelnuts in a pan for a couple of minutes.  Add the lemon juice and zest to a bowl, with the mascarpone cheese and honey.  Mix together.  Barbecue the pineapple for a few minutes and serve with a dollop of the mascarpone mix, and the hazelnuts.  Enjoy!

Written by  Thueros BBQs

Disclosure: This is a guest post, Mami's 3 Little Monkeys did not write this post and all credit goes to the above Author. I received no form of compensation for this publication. 


  1. Some of these sound pretty good. Will have to see if I can try some of them.


  3. I'm terrible when it comes to pairing things for BBQ! These are must trys for our family :) Thank you!

  4. What lovely recipes, especially the potatoes with feta, I so ready for Spring and Summer. Drat this Winter.

  5. These slung great. I'm always wanting to try new recipes. I really want to try that chicken marinated in spicy yogurt.

  6. The Grilled sweet potatoes with feta, lemon and mint sure has got my attention! I've got a brand new bbq still in the box waiting to be assembled.....this could very well be one of the first things on the grill!

    Curious about how the mint will be with the feta....

  7. gonna try the Grilled pineapple with sweetened mascarpone this weekend it sound very good

  8. They grilled pineapple with sweetened mascarpone sounds like something I would like to try. I love pineapple with just about any meat.

  9. the pork and apple kebabs sure sound taste. i have to fix some

  10. These sound like some great recipes. I love BBQ. Thank you so much for sharing

  11. Thanks for sharing your recipe for Grilled pineapple with sweetened mascarpone! This really sounds good to me! I love pineapple! I'm going to have to give this a try sometime! Thanks so much for sharing this delicious recipe with all of us! Thanks, Michele :)

  12. This looks like quite a recipe to try. I think the grilled sweet potatoes make it perfect.
