
Friday, March 1, 2013

Maty's All Natural Products Review & Giveaway! US 3/16

About Maty's All Natural Products
Maty's All-Natural Products are not only safe and effective, but created by a loving mother with nothing other then her whole heart and joy, her beautiful baby girl Maty, in mind! Maty was born in 1996 with severe heart defects and also with out a spleen. Making what should be a beautiful blessing now a challenging time for her family. By the age of five, Maty went through three complex surgeries to help repair her heart. Even though her heart was mended, she was still left with difficult medical issues and a weakened immune system. Due to her condition she was left vulnerable. 

Thankfully, little Maty, now 17 years old, has a very loving mother who devoted her time to researching and finding home remedies for her daughter. She discovered many traditional natural remedies that are no longer used much. She took these traditional natural remedies and applied the modern knowledge of nature's healing agents to them. The products Carolyn, Maty's mother, has creating became very popular with their family and friends. These traditional remedies Carolyn has discovered in her research have now become Maty's All-Natural product line, available to our families from hers.

The all-natural remedies are made from only the purest ingredients, procured from responsible sources. They are safe and effective and created right from a mother's loving heart. "We believe that when you GET BETTER you will DO BETTER!"

Maty's All Natural Cough Syrup
 Maty's All Natural Cough Syrup is a safe and effective alternative with no harmful side effects. It contains real, antioxidant rich buckwheat honey. A leading university study showed buckwheat honey is effective at improving respiratory function. It found this had a positive effect on the sleep quality of the participating children as well as their parents. Other healthyful ingredients are: 
  • Cinnamon which promotes healthy breathing
  • Zinc which provides immune support
  • Apple Cider Vinegar which promote healthy mucous flow
  • Sea Salt which naturally neutralizes toxins in the body
  • Lemon Balm which has a calming effect
  • Lemon Peel, Grapfruit Seed Extract & Marjoram which are natural anti-oxidants and detoxifiers
Maty's All Natural Vapor Rub
Maty's All Natural Vapor Rub is a rub that you breathe in for effective nasal relief and strengthen your immune system. This vapor rub blend is made form only the purest ingredients and is great for ages 2 and up. Made of these all natural ingredients:
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Candellila Wax
  • Castor Oil
  • Shea Butter
  • Vitamin E
Along with essential oils of:
  •  Pine
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint
  • Wintergreen
  • Cedar Leaf
ALWAYS Petroleum FREE! 
Which is great for us as my mom is allergic to Petroleum based products and since we live downstairs from her and visit with the kids often, I try to avoid petroleum based products as much as possible, plus for the obvious health reasons. Why else should you avoid petroleum based products? Because mineral oil, which is a petroleum product found in many beauty and skin care products, smothers the skin. Your skin is your body's largest organ, applying petroleum based products to your skin makes it impossible for your skin to breathe! Not only does it cause your skin to no longer be able to breathe, but it disrupts the way your body naturally detoxifies, it slows the rate at which cells are renewed, thereby damaging collagen, connective tissue and elastin. All of which contribute to the way skin looks and feels. It also results in skin that ages prematurely! Also, products that are petroleum based and claim to be skin moisturizers, ironically dehydrate your skin. 

Our thoughts and experience?
Cade, who is two and a half years old and Ezio, who is 14 months old both became sick about 20 minutes apart a week ago Wednesday with congestion and a cough that night. Funny how kids always seem to become sick just before bed huh?! I wanted to try and give him relief so he could get a good nights sleep as rest is one of the best things for a sick child or even adult. I rubbed a little bit on my upper chest first to test out the strength of it and make sure I didn't break out from it or anything. I always use new products on myself before I use them on the kids, especially medicine, skin care and foods. Everything about it was fine on me, so I rub some of the Maty's Vapor Rub on his chest and the bottoms of his feet. Now I personally never really believed the whole vapor rub on the feet thing, I thought it was crazy as you don't breathe through your feet! Right? Gave it a shot anyways! As it is recommended for children of age two and up I didn't want to try it on Ezio just yet as he is only just over a year old. At this point I did not give Ezio any of the cough syrup even though it is recommended for ages one and up, I didn't feel he needed it just yet. The boys went to bed just fine and where back to being happy and playing in the morning. 

I ended up having to take Ezio in to the ER (read about Ezio's fight with RSV). On the other hand while Dan stayed home taking care of Cade while I was in the hospital with Ezio, he was giving him the Maty's Cough Syrup at nap time and again at bedtime. At bedtime Dan also put the Maty's Vapor Rub on Cade's chest and even used it on himself. Cade was getting full nights of sleep with the help of the Maty's All Natural Products. While the Vapor Rub gave some relief to Dan he was not able to sleep as well, just due to the worry and not being with Ezio and I at the hospital. Dan said he also tried the cough syrup, wasn't fond of the taste, but Cade didn't mind the taste. 

By the time Ezio and I were released from the hospital and back home, just three days and two nights, but seemed like a life time, Cade was doing so much better then when I left home. I strongly feel that Dan using the Maty's All Natural Cough Syrup and Vapor Rub on Cade kept him out of the hospital! They both had the same virus, yes they are 18 months apart and Ezio is the younger of the two, but Cade is usually the one who gets hit the hardest with illnesses. 

Connect with Maty's
Visit Maty's All Natural Product also on Facebook and on Twitter @MatysProducts. Follow them on Pinterest as well!

One lucky reader will WIN a Maty's All Natural Product of his/her choice! 
This giveaway is open to residents of the US, who are at least 18 years old or older!
Simply enter through the Rafflecopter form below, please note that I DO check all entries to make sure they have been fulfilled. 
Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received the above products from Maty's Health Products to review, I was not compensated in any other way and all opinions are my own!


  1. I'd like to try them all! LOL. But I'd pick the All Natural
    Kids Cough Syrup if I win!

  2. Breathe better ointment, if my husband breathes better at night than that means I do.

  3. I would choose the all natural cough syrup -Heather McKenzie Carter

  4. I would choose the all natural cough syrup! - Kimberly Pugliese

  5. I have some of this in my cabinet right now! :D
